I met Fearne through my best guy friends over 5 years ago and she is straight up rad.
if you're not familiar with her, its time to take note.. Fearne used to co-host Top of the Pops (our equivalent to MTV's TRL at its peak, but radder) and she is the first female staple on BBC Radio 1.
my heart literally imploded upon seeing Fearne's one-on-one interview with JOHNNY-holy-jesus-DEPP and Tim Burton (view here). she happens to be an insanely talented artist - her paintings are absolutely ridiculous. additionally, she DJs, designs a badass collection for Very, has a book coming out mid-October with her BFF and is unintentionally stacking her cool factor chips here in the states.
here's my q&a with this tv host-slash-DJ-slash-fashion designer-slash-artist-slash-girl you need to knowww..
1- what is the first thing you put on when getting ready?
pants always...hanky pankys through and through!
2- what do you wear everyday?
a ring my mum gave me with a ruby in it that sits at the top of my middle finger.
3- this photo symbolizes happiness to Fearne:
its me on a beach in hawaii from the best holiday
4- how often do you wash your hair?
every 3 days. My hair always looks better unwashed
5- what’s your motto?
i seem to say “you only live once” a lot so i can get away with doing things that are perhaps naughty or uncalled for hah!
6- what is your vice?
7- favorite color?
green, emerald green
8- favorite flower?
a rose. i have big tattoo roses on my back
9- ideal man?
the one i’ve got
10- ideal woman?
debbie harry
11- what do you want to be remembered for?
giving everything a go
12- favorite movie?
almost famous
13- stick shift or automatic?
auto all the way. im a control freak
14- nick name?
f cott, cotton socks, needle
15- favorite website?
16- favorite place to eat?
my kitchen or scotts in London
17- favorite LA spot?
beauty bar where i met my soul mate
18- favorite scent?
diptique DUELLE or Molecule
fearne's collection at very is radddd. check it out here
behind the scenes
her painting of Robert Pattinson
LA shirt !
sweet pants
holy shit, zac efron can grow facial hair!?
get to know more at officialfearnecotton.com
Love Love Love Our Fearny!!! Genius Post!
thank you so much!! x
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